A Blessing for the Season

Today, the winter solstice marks the returning of the light and the shift into the season of winter.  While there are still many dark days ahead, knowing that the light is returning little by little reminds us that nothing lasts forever and that until the days get longer, you are invited to shine your light into being. 

The darkness is also an invitation to rest.  This is the season for hibernation (contrary to what society is pushing at this time of year), for reflection, for visioning, and for gathering your energy in so that when spring arrives, you will be fully rested and resourced for new adventures. 

As I reflect on the year that has passed, I see how the times of deep grief, of wonder and awe, of adventure, of challenges and loss, of letting go and letting in, of peaceful happiness and unbridled joy all come together in a rhythm of life for which I am deeply grateful.  A rhythm that reminds me that nothing lasts forever and that the light will always return. 

I encourage you to take a few minutes or a few hours or a few days to reflect on the year that has passed.  You may be surprised to discover that you, too, have a rhythm that is just right for you and that this rhythm is something that you can count on, no matter what else is happening around you. 

I want to thank you for being in this community and for taking the time to read and share my messages and for responding with comments, insights and support – it is always a joy to hear from you!  And as a small thank you, I want to offer you this blessing for the new season ahead – may it serve your highest good and greatest joy.

May you be blessed
May you be loved
May you be free from fear and harm
May you find rest
May you find delight in unexpected places
May you be content just as you are
May you live in peace
May you shine your light into the world
May you be happy
And may you always choose joy

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