The joy of imagination

“Your dog doesn’t read to you?!  I’m sorry.  I know that some dogs do that, so I just assumed…”

I listened to the exchange between the Librarian and a six-year-old girl from a short distance away.  I felt the grin spreading across my face as I imagined my childhood dog reading a book to me.

I don’t know if the Librarian sparked the little girl’s imagination or if 6-year-olds are too sophisticated to indulge in some silliness but I do know that he definitely woke up my imagination!

Lost in the delight of possibility and curiosity, I walked home from the library in an enchanted state of awareness.  If dogs could not only read but read out loud, what else might be possible in this world?

As I looked around, the day seemed so much brighter, the shrubs and lawns greener and the trees looked more magnificent.  Did I just see a fairy by that rock?  I wonder if the door on that old shed leads to a magical tunnel…is there a book club happening right now in that dog house??!

I laughed to myself and realized that I was already home, my imagination having fueled my walk and left me feeling happy to be alive.  I think this is why I revel in possibilities – it gives me fuel on all levels and helps me recognize and receive joy more often. 

Where does your imagination take you?  Do you spend time with it or does it only get to come out on special occasions?  What might happen for you this summer if you dusted off your imagination and followed it around for a while? 
Maybe we’ll bump into each other….

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