Problems or Dreams

“What do you do?” she asked me, balancing a glass of wine and an appetizer in one hand while shaking mine with the other.

“I’m a Life coach,” I answered and watched her take a slight step back.

“Oh….well…I can’t use your services,” she said, “I don’t have any problems.”

I smiled and responded, “then it sounds like you might be an ideal client for me because I don’t coach people with problems, I coach people who want to go for their dreams.”

She paused, considering for a few seconds and then she forgot about the rest of the networking event as she started to tell me about her dreams.

People have often made this or a similar comment to me upon discovering that I am a Life Coach.  I am happy to set them straight because then I get to hear about what they truly want for their life and that is so much more fun that focusing on problems.  

Where do you put your focus?  On your problems or on your dreams and goals?

The need for survival taught your ancestors to always be on the lookout for problems and danger. This focus was important because it resulted in you being here today!  However, in modern times, we don’t have the same need for survival, but we are still focused on possible danger and all the problems that could arise.  This focus is depleting and keeps you stuck in problems.  

You don’t fix problems by focusing on the problem!  Focus on your dreams and goals and keep practicing the skills for your dream and the problems will fall away.  Not all at once and maybe not completely but you will find yourself living a life that is more energized and joy filled because you are spending your precious time and resources focusing on something that inspires you.  

The other benefit to being inspired is that you will be more creative and being more creative means that solutions to problems come much more easily.  Creativity gets shut down as soon as your energy gets focused on the negative – that’s what survival mode is.  

And don’t take my word for it!

Give it a try yourself.  Experiment with focusing on your dreams.  What’s the worst thing that could happen?  You’ll still have problems?  Maybe.  And maybe, you’ll also have more energy, joy and be much closer to achieving all you have been dreaming about!

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