How are you doing these days?
There seems to be an exorbitant amount of negative energy flying around in our world and unless you have been living in a cave* you most likely have been feeling the impact of this energy. If you have been feeling more sensitive, short tempered, increased aches and pains in your body or like you have been repeatedly run over by steam roller, you are being affected by the uncertainty, fear and stress that has been in our daily lives since the onset of 2025.
The antidote to this fear, uncertainty and stress?
Be wildly, over the top, radically kind to yourself.
Not a radical idea and I find that the simple ideas are often the most effective. Here’s what I know about treating yourself with kindness (and compassion).
You have to start with yourself first. When you think kind thoughts about yourself, speak to yourself kindly and offer yourself physical kindness, your overworked nervous system will start to regulate. This means that your fight/flight or freeze response (stress) will shift into a relaxation, repair and calm response. This response is important because this is when your body can repair itself, your heart can respond with perspective, your mind can create innovative solutions, and you are better able to hear your inner wisdom.
Being kind to yourself takes some practice because you have been taught that kindness is for others but you, you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, get that nose to the grindstone, and flog yourself for every mistake and forgotten acknowledgements of great Aunt Martha’s birthday that has ever happened or will happen!
So here are a few of my favorite ways to be a bit more kind:
Gentle language – “sweetie pie, it’s okay that you spilled coffee on your boss … she knows it was an accident”; “precious darling, you’re tired. Please go to bed.”; “Sugar plum….My Love…. Jellybean…”
Soft touch – try this…place your right hand across your body onto your left hip, place your left hand on your right shoulder. Close your eyes and take 3 – 5 slow, deep breaths in and out. This is called Container Mudra and will signal to your body that it’s safe, loved and can relax.
Generous thoughts – “I know that I was (late for the meeting, rude to the cab driver, wrong about my sister’s boyfriend…) and I’m doing the best that I can.”
Caring actions – rest when you are tired, let go of perfectionism, wear really soft and comfortable clothing, turn off the news, get off social media, find times to sit in silence, write out everything you are feeling in one long, 15 – 20 minute stream of consciousness, ask for help, create something, connect with people who uplift you and…
Chocolate. (or insert your pleasure of choice here!)
You don’t need me to tell you what kindness is – you already do it daily. I am just encouraging you to start with yourself first. Make sure you are on the list for kind treatment because when you are feeling nourished, supported and loved you can’t help but treat others the same way. And when people are treated with kindness, they do the same for others and so on. In my opinion, we could use a kindness movement right now – my antidote to these troubling times.
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